I just realized that I am laughing in all of my pictures above, but thats what you get when your photographer is so good at making you laugh naturally - here is a shoutout to my girl and blog partner in crime - Hannah banana! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is having a fantastic week so far. For Halloween, I ended up going as a "Leaf Blower" - I literally wore a hat and attached a single leaf on to my hat and would just blow on it all night long.... pretty clever, right? *toss toss* haha
Anyways, I absolutely love this time of the year - something about walking outside cuddled in oversized sweaters, while sipping on warm drinks just makes me so happy! I love the color of this sweater - the perfect shade of olive green and it kept me super cozy all day long!

You're so gorgeous! Love this olive green sweater-fall perfection!